Original Article(原著)
(0665 - 0671)
A Fundamental Study for Quantitative Measurement of Ultrasound Contrast Concentration by Low Mechanical Index Contrast Ultrasonography
山田 聡1, 小室 薫2, 谷口 麻里子3, 浦西 歩美3, 小松 博史1, 浅沼 俊彦3, 石蔵 文信3, 小野塚 久夫1, 三神 大世4, 筒井 裕之1, 別府 慎太郎3
Satoshi YAMADA1, kaoru KOMURO2, Mariko TANIGUCHI3, Ayumi URANISHI3, Hiroshi KOMATSU1, Toshihiko ASANUMA3, Fuminobu ISHIKURA3, Hisao ONODUKA1, Taisei MIKAMI4, Hiroyuki TSUTSUI1, Shintaro BEPPU3
1北海道大学大学院医学研究科循環病態内科学, 2国立病院機構函館病院臨床研究部, 3大阪大学医学部保健学科, 4北海道大学医学部保健学科
1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, 2Department of Clinical Research, Hakodate National Hospital, 3School of Allied Health Sciences, Osaka University Faculty of Medicine, 4Department of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
キーワード : contrast agent, contrast ultrasonography, pulse subtraction imaging, mechanical index
目的:高音圧コントラストエコー法において, 局所の入射音圧が一定である条件下では造影剤濃度とコントラスト強度(CI) のパワー値の間に良好な線形性があることが分かってきた. しかし, 低音圧コントラストエコー法でも同様の線形性が保たれるか否かは不明である. そこで, 低音圧コントラストエコー法における造影剤濃度とCI との関係を確認するためにin vitro 実験を行った. 方法:造影剤はDefinity®とImagent®の2 種類を用いた. 0.5, 2, 8, 32, 128μL⁄L の5 濃度の溶液を用意し, mechanical index (MI) 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 のパルスサブトラクションイメージングで, ゼリーを介して溶液を撮像した. 画像上の溶液の水面直下に厚さ3 mmの関心領域を置き, CI をdB で計測した. 濃度は0.5μL⁄L を基準値として10×log (濃度) でdB 表示し, 両側対数グラフ上で直線回帰分析を行った. 結果:両造影剤とも, いずれのMI においても, 造影剤濃度とCI とはきわめて良好な直線相関を示し, 回帰直線の傾きはCI のパワー値が造影剤濃度に比例する場合の理論値1 に近かった. 結語:低音圧コントラストエコー法においても, CI のパワー値が造影剤濃度に比例し, CI のdB 値は濃度に対して対数関係にある. 低音圧コントラストエコー法で気泡密度の定量計測が可能で ある.
Purpose: In high mechanical index (MI) contrast ultrasonography it has been shown that the power of contrast signal intensity(CI) has a strong linear correlation with the oncentration of the ultrasound contrast agent under conditions of constant applied acoustic pressure. However, it is unclear whether the linearity is preserved in low-MI contrast ultrasonography. Thus, we investigated the relationship between ultrasound contrast concentration and CI in vitro. Methods: Solutions of the ultrasound contrast agents Definity and Imagent were prepared at concentrations of 0.5, 2, 8, 32, and 128μL⁄L. Placing a jelly block between the transducer and the solution, the solutions were transmitted using pulse subtraction imaging with an MI of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5. CI was measured in dB in a region of interest 3 mm in height placed just below the border between the jelly and the solution. Data were plotted using double logarithm scales, where the concentration was expressed in dB as 10×log (concentration). Results: CI in dB had a strong linear correlation with concentration in dB for both agents with any MI. Best fitted slopes were close to 1, indicating that the power of CI is proportional to the concentration. Conclusions: In low-MI contrast ultrasonography, the power of CI is proportional to contrast concentration, and CI in dB is logarithmic to the concentration. Thus, the microbubble concentration can be quantitatively measured even in low-MI contrast ultrasonography.