Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


2019 - Vol.46

Vol.46 No.05

Review Article(総説)

(0395 - 0408)


Ultrasound diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms based on histopathological findings

比佐 岳史, 工藤 彰治, 山田 崇裕

Takeshi HISA, Akiharu KUDO, Takahiro YAMADA


Department of Gastroenterology, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center

キーワード : ultrasound diagnosis, pancreatic neoplasm, carcinoma, histopathological finding, growth pattern


Most pancreatic neoplasms show a grossly characteristic cut surface, and the macroscopic findings can identify the histological type. Transabdominal or endoscopic ultrasound provides a clear image reflecting the tumor cut surface, and this modality is useful for differentiating pancreatic neoplasms. Ultrasound can classify pancreatic neoplasms into three types: solid, cystic, and mixed tumors. It is important to evaluate the shape, margin, internal echo, and posterior echo. An invasive or expansive growth pattern, tumor thrombus into the main pancreatic duct or portal venous system, and intratumoral flow signals in Doppler mode are useful information for narrowing down the differential diagnosis. On the basis of evaluation of macroscopic and microscopic findings of pancreatic neoplasms, we explain characteristic ultrasound findings for the purpose of differential diagnosis.