Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2018 - Vol.45

Vol.45 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(0605 - 0610)


Estimation of culprit lesion using brachial artery RI and radial artery RI by ultrasound-guided vascular access

南 雅人1, 辻本 麻愉1, 西本 綾子2, 坂口 美佳3, 大野 恭裕1, 4, 竹中 清悟5

Masahito MINAMI1, Mayu TUJIMOTO1, Ayako NISHIMOTO2, Mika SAKAGUCHI3, Yasuhiro OONO1, 4, Kiyonori TAKENAKA5

1近畿大学医学部附属病院中央臨床検査部, 2近畿大学医学部附属病院臨床工学部, 3近畿大学医学部附属病院腎臓内科, 4近畿大学医学部附属病院内分泌・代謝・糖尿病内科, 5近畿大学医学部奈良病院臨床検査部

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kindai University Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Engineering, Kindai University Hospital, 3Department of Nephrology, Kindai University Hospital, 4Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism·Diabetes Medicine, Kindai University Hospital, 5Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kindai University Nara Hospital

キーワード : vascular access, arteriovenous fistula, resistance index, brachial artery, radial artery

2014年1月から2017年4月の期間において,バスキュラーアクセス超音波検査(VA超音波検査)における上腕動脈の抵抗指数(resistance index: RI)0.60以上であった38症例を対象に,橈骨動脈RIから,責任病変部位の推測が可能かを検討した.橈骨動脈のRIが0.60以上であった11症例中10症例で,自己血管内シャント吻合部近位に内腔が1.5 mm以下の狭窄または閉塞を認めた.橈骨動脈のRIが0.60未満であった27症例中14症例では,吻合部遠位に内腔径が1.5 mm以下の狭窄または閉塞を認め,また,9症例では内腔径1.5 mm以下の狭窄は認めなかった.今回の検討から,VA超音波検査で上腕動脈RIと共に橈骨動脈RIの確認を行う事で,責任病変部位を推測して検査が可能と考えられたので報告する.

The possibility of estimating the culprit lesion on the basis of the radial artery resistance index (RI) was investigated in 38 subjects who underwent ultrasound-guided vascular access during the period from January 2014 to April 2017, and who had a brachial artery RI of >=0.60. Ten out of 11 patients with radial artery RI of >=0.60 exhibited occlusion due to stricture with a lumen of less than 1.5 mm near the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) anastomosis. Fourteen out of 27 patients with a radial artery RI of <0.60 exhibited occlusion due to stricture with a lumen of <=1.5 mm away from the anastomosis site, and in nine cases there was no stricture with a lumen of <=1.5 mm. Based on the present study, we believe that it is possible to estimate and examine abnormal findings (location) by verifying RI in both the brachial and radial arteries by ultrasound-guided vascular access.