Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2015 - Vol.42

Vol.42 No.04

Review Article(総説)

(0457 - 0473)


The basics of fetal circulation and echocardiography

新居 正基

Masaki NII


Head Physician, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Shizuoka Children's Hospital

キーワード : fetal echocardiography, congenital heart disease, fetus, prenatal diagnosis, echocardiography

胎児心エコーの進歩は,先天性心疾患を持つ胎児の周産期治療を大きく変貌させた.また,出生前における両親への疾患に関する正確な情報の提供やカウンセリングは,疾患を持って生まれてくる子供の受け入れについて,両親に時間的猶予を与えることを可能とした.また,本邦で既に高度先進医療として始まっている,双胎間輸血症候群,胎児胸水,または,胎児不整脈に対する胎児治療は,胎児診断なくしては成立しない.本総説では,胎児心特有の血行動態についても触れるとともに,segmental approachに沿った先天性心疾患のスクリーニングの手順について概説を行った.

The advent of fetal echocardiography had an enormous impact on the perinatal management of fetuses with congenital heart disease. In addition, accurate prenatal diagnosis and parent counseling provide additional time for them to accept the antepartum baby expected to be born with congenital anomalies. Moreover, prenatal treatment of fetuses with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, fetal pleural effusion, or fetal tachyarrhythmia is impossible without an accurate prenatal diagnosis. The focus of this review article is to cover topics ranging from the hemodynamics of fetal circulation to echocardiographic screening of congenital heart disease based on the segmental approach.