Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2014 - Vol.41

Vol.41 No.06

Case Report(症例報告)

(0859 - 0865)


Multiple splenic hamartoma: a case report

柴田 有紀子1, 竹元 伸之2, 3, 山田 順一1, 白石 克子1, 小池 淳子1, 山本 宏4

Yukiko SHIBATA1, Nobuyuki TAKEMOTO2, 3, Junichi YAMADA1, Katsuko SHIRAISHI1, Junko KOIKE1, Hiroshi YAMAMOTO4

1ジャパンメディカルアライアンス東埼玉総合病院臨床検査技術科, 2ジャパンメディカルアライアンス東埼玉総合病院乳腺・内分泌外科, 3ジャパンメディカルアライアンス東埼玉総合病院消化器外科, 4横浜市立脳血管医療センター介護老人保健施設コスモス

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Japan Medical Alliance Higashi Saitama General Hospital, 2Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Japan Medical Alliance Higashi Saitama General Hospital, 3Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Japan Medical Alliance Higashi Saitama General Hospital, 4Geriatric Health Service Facility (COSMOS), Yokohama Stroke and Brain Center

キーワード : multiple splenic hamartoma, ultrasound

症例は35歳,男性.他院にて脾過誤腫疑いと診断され2005年より当院にて経過観察されていた.2010年1月,腹部膨満感と腹部圧迫感を主訴に受診.触診上腫瘤は触知せず圧痛も認めなかったが,超音波検査では脾臓に境界不明瞭で内部は低~等エコーの不均一な大小多数の腫瘤を認め,経年により腫瘤の数は増加傾向にあった.造影CT検査では,脾臓に早期相で内部が不均一な増強効果を示す多発性腫瘤を認めた.単純MRI検査のT1強調像では腫瘤は指摘できなかったが,T2強調像では低信号の腫瘤様像が存在するようにも観察された.フェルカルボトランを用いたSPIO (super paramagnetic iron oxide) MRI検査では腫瘤に取り込みが認められ,多発性脾過誤腫に合致した.有症状であったこと,腫瘤が増加傾向であったこと,患者の強い切除の希望があったことより手術の方針とし,2010年3月,開腹下脾臓摘出術を施行した.病理組織学的検査では術前検査同様,多発性赤脾髄型の過誤腫と診断された.多発性脾過誤腫は非常にまれであり,文献的考察を含めて報告する.

A 35-year-old man has been followed for suspected splenic hamartoma since 2005 in the Department of Gastroenterology. The patient complained of exacerbation of abdominal distension and oppressive sensation in January 2010. No abdominal organomegaly or tenderness were observed on physical examination. Ultrasonography (US) revealed multiple hypo-isoechoic, heterogenous nodules with unclear borders, and an increase in the number of masses was observed. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed multiple nodules with heterogenous enhancement in the early phase, but no nodules were detected in the late phase. Non-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed no nodules on T1 image, but a low signal intensity mass-like image was observed on T2 image. Uptake by the tumor was observed by ferucarbotran-enhanced super paramagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) MRI, and we therefore strongly suspected multiple splenic hamartoma. Open splenectomy was performed in March 2010. because the case was symptomatic and the patient solicited its resection. The pathological diagnosis was multiple splenic hamartoma (pulposal type). Multiple splenic hamartoma is very rare, and we thus report this case with a review of the literature.