Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2016 - Vol.43

Vol.43 No.Supplement

特別プログラム 消化器
パネルディスカッション 消化器 Joint1(JSUM・AFSUMB Joint Session)(English) アジアにおける超音波診断教育・研修の現状


Ultrasound Integration into Medical School Curriculum



Department of Medical Imaging, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center / University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

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Ultrasound is portable, uses non-ionizing radiation, gives important information both anatomic and physiologic, is relatively inexpensive, but is hands-on skill for image acquisition.
Early on, US equipment was large and expensive and located in departments like Radiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Cardiology. Physicians, after their patient examination, would suggest possible diagnosis and then send the patient for separate US study
High quality laptop and handheld US units can now be used at point-of-care. Appropriately trained physicians can use them to enhance their physical examination. No need to use a stethoscope when the heart can be imaged and observed looking for abnormalities.
Many other structures can be evaluated in the same way resulting in more timely patient care
Appropriate use of US has become a core skill that all future physicians will need to learn.
Number of specialties require US training in their Residencies like Radiology, Emergency Medicine, and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Residencies would be able to concentrate more on patient care if the medical student entering their Residency was already proficient in the use of US.
Medical school mission is to educate and train their students to be the best prepared physicians to provide the best care for their patients. The use of US is a core skill they should be taught. This core skill also enhances their educational experience in medical school
How does one introduce a new skill into a medical school curriculum that is already jam-packed? The US Integration into medical school curriculum has many requirements which will be discussed in the presentation- “champion”; support of deans; support of module leaders; hands-on teachers; space; budget (US equipment, server to save images for each student, simulation); funding; feedback
Final thoughts- each medical school is unique; support of the leaders is mandatory; collaboration is essential; resources (space, equipment, time) need to be available; and how rapid and successful the integration of US into the curriculum depends on many factors which are unique to each institution