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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2006 - Vol.33

Vol.33 No.03

Original Article(原著)

(323 - 327)


Localization of Parathyroid Tumors Detected by Ultrasonography in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

森田 新二1, 三村 喜美1, 太田 寿1, 深田 修司2, 網野 信行2, 宮 章博3, 小林 薫3, 宮内 昭3, 中村 靖司4

Shinji MORITA1, Yoshimi MIMURA1, Hisashi OHTA1, Shuuji FUKATA2, Nobuyuki AMINO2, Akihiro MIYA3, Kaoru KOBAYASHI3, Akira MIYAUCHI3, Yasushi NAKAMURA4

1隈病院検査部, 2隈病院内科, 3隈病院外科, 4和歌山医科大学第2病理学教室

1Department of Laboratory, Kuma Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital, 3Department of Surgery, Kuma Hospital, 4Department of Pathology Wakayama Medical University

キーワード : diagnosis, parathyroid tumor, primary hyperparathyroidism, ultrasonography

超音波検査による原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症(primary hyperparathyroidism:PHPT) の腫大腺の画像の特徴と局在診断 の有効性について検討した. 1 腺腫大の47 例を対象とした. 組織診断は副甲状腺の腺腫33 例, 単腺過形成13 例, 副甲 状腺癌1 例であった. 摘出重量は98 mg から4413 mg に分布し935±940 mg (Mean±SD) であった. 手術前の超音波検 査でPHPT 47 例中37 例(78.7%) の腫大腺を検出可能であったが, 10 例(21.3%) は検出不可能であった. 超音波で 検出可能であった腫大腺37 例の内部エコーレベルは全例低エコー, 内部性状はほぼ均一であり, また被膜, 内部共に高 エコーは認められなかった. 甲状腺背側に局在した腫大腺29 例中, 27 例(93.1%) に甲状腺との境界エコーとして腫大 腺に特徴的な比較的細い線状エコーを認めた. またPower Doppler 法で腫大腺内部に37 例中20 例(54.0%) に大小の 点状から線状の血流を認めた. しかしながら, PHPT に甲状腺結節や橋本病が合併する例では腫大腺の局在診断は困難で あることが多かった. 結論的には, 超音波検査によるPHPT の腫大腺の局在診断は有用な手段である.

We used ultrasound to study the low-echoic preoperative localization and ultrasonographic image of parathyroid tumors in 47 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and a single parathyroid tumor (mean age, 61 years; range, 41 to 89 years). Thirtythree patients were pathologically diagnosed with parathyroid adenoma, 13 with single hyperplasia, 1 with parathyroid carcinoma. The excised parathyroid tumors weighed 935±940 mg (range, 98 to 4413 mg). Localization of parathyroid tumors was correctly diagnosed with ultrasonography in 37 (78.7%) patients, while that of 10 (21.3%) patients was not diagnosed. Parathyroid tumors showed an internal echo, had solid, homogeneous content, and produced no strong ultrasonographic echoes in peripheral or internal lesions. A characteristic hyperechoic line was observed along the border between the parathyroid tumor and thyroid gland in 27 of 29 tumors located in the back of the thyroid gland. Power Doppler ultrasonography detected intratumoral vessels in 20 (54.0%) of 37 patients. Detection of parathyroid tumors in patients with coexisting thyroid nodules or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was difficult. However, these results show ultrasonic diagnosis to be effective and useful in the preoperative localization of parathyroid tumors in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.