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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2006 - Vol.33

Vol.33 No.01

State of the Art(特集)

(0037 - 0045)


Endoscopic Ultrasonography and Intraductal Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of the Biliary Tract Diseases

山雄 健次, 高橋 邦之, 水野 伸匡, 澤木 明

Kenji YAMAO, Kuniyuki TAKAHASHI, Nobumasa MIZUNO, Akira SAWAKI


Department of Gastroenterology, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital

キーワード : biliary disease, endoscopic ultrasonography, intraductal ultrasonography, cancer staging

超音波内視鏡検査法(Endoscopic ultrasonography: EUS) と管腔内超音波検査(Intraductal ultrasonography: IDUS) は空 間分解能に優れ消化器疾患に広く応用されている. 胆膵疾患においても微小病変の描出や癌の進達度診断には欠くことの できない検査法として高く評価されている. EUS は先端に高周波(7.5-20 MHz) の超音波振動子を備えた内視鏡を使用 し, 消化管内腔から超音波画像を得る方法である. 一方, IDUS は直径2-3 mmの高周波(7.5-30 MHz) 細径超音波プ ローブを使用し胆管や膵管内から超音波画像を得る方法である. これらの検査法の臨床的有用性としては, 胆嚢疾患では 胆嚢小隆起性病変の鑑別診断, 胆嚢壁肥厚や胆嚢造影陰性例の鑑別診断, 胆嚢癌の進展度診断などが報告されている. 胆 管疾患におけるEUS やIDUS の臨床的有用性としては, 胆管結石の診断, 胆管狭窄の鑑別診断, 膵胆管合流異常の診断, 胆管癌の進展度診断などである. また, 乳頭部疾患に対しては, 腫大乳頭の鑑別と乳頭部癌の進展度診断に対し有用性が 報告されている. 特にIDUS は乳頭部のOddi 筋を直接描出できる唯一の検査法であり, 内視鏡的乳頭切除時の術前評価 としては必要欠くべからざる検査法と考えられている. さらに最近では, 電子ラジアル型EUS, 造影EUS やIDUS, EUS やIDUS の3 次元画像, Endoscopic elastography などの新しい技術も開発され臨床応用されている. これらの新技 術の胆道疾患に対する臨床的有用性の確立が今後望まれる.

We outline the present status of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and intraductal ultrasonography (IDUS) in the diagnosis of biliary tract lesions. An echoendoscope, which is equipped with a high-frequency probe (7.5 to 20 MHz) at its end, has recently become essential for high-quality imaging and diagnosis of pancreatobiliary diseases. A thin ultrasound probe, which is a catheter equipped with a high-frequency probe (7.5 to 30 MHz), can provide a precise echogram from the intraluminal (gastrointestinal) or intraductal (from pancreatobiliary duct) aspect. The role of EUS in gallbladder lesions is for the precise investigation of gallbladder polyps and wall thickening, negative cholecystogram by ERCP, and for the staging of gallbladder carcinomas. The indications of EUS and IDUS for bile duct lesions include the diagnosis of small residual common bile duct stones after endoscopic extraction, differential diagnosis of biliary strictures, the diagnosis of pancreatobiliary maljunction, and the staging of biliary duct carcinomas. EUS and IDUS are clinically useful in the differential diagnosis of enlargement of papilla of Vater and the staging of periampullary carcinomas. Recent advances in imaging techniques and refinements of the EUS procedure such as the electric radial echoendoscope, contrast-enhanced EUS or IDUS, three-dimensional EUS or IDUS, and endoscopic elastography have become available for clinical use. These modalities are expected to improve the existing diagnostic accuracy of EUS for biliary tract lesions.