Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2000 - Vol.27

Vol.27 No.09

Case Report(症例報告)

(1267 - 1272)


A Case of Diffusely Infiltrating Primary Colorectal Carcinoma for Which Abdominal Ultrasonography Proved Useful in the Diagnosis

宮岡 洋一1, 小瀬 和洋1, 鈴木 重道1, 真田 泰興1, 藤村 二郎1, 井上 和彦1, 坂之上 一史1, 香川 幸司1, 菅沢 一子2, 伊原 恵子2

Yoichi MIYAOKA1, Kazuhiro KOSE1, Shigemichi SUZUKI1, Yasuoki SANADA1, Jiro FUJIMURA1, Kazuhiko INOUE 1, Kazuhumi SAKANOUE1, Koji KAGAWA1, Kazuko SUGESAWA2, Keiko IHARA2

1松江赤十字病院内科, 2松江赤十字病院検査部腹部超音波検査室

1Department of Internal Medicine, Matsue Red Cross Hospital, 200 Horo-machi, Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken 690-0886, Japan, 2Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Matsue Red Cross Hospital, 200 Horo-machi, Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken 690-0886, Japan

キーワード : Diffusely infiltrating primary colorectal carcinoma , Ultrasonography

We used abdominal ultrasonography to examine a 65-year-old man who had abdominal pain after being admitted to this institution because of dermatomyositis. The examination showed the wall of the sigmoid colon to be diffusely thickened (maximum 7.8 mm). The layer between the mucosa (M) and the submucosa (SM) was blurred, but the layer between the SM and the muscularis propriae (MP) was distinct, and compressibility (degree to which the wall was compressed by the probe) was decreased. We thus suspected diffusely infiltrating sigmoid carcinoma. A barium-enema roentogenograph showed long-drawn stenosis and tapering margin in the sigmoid colon. Colonoendoscopy showed erosive and reddish mucosa and stenosis in the sigmoid colon. The biopsy revealed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Diffusely infiltrating sigmoid carcinoma was confirmed on autopsy.