Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.12

Original Article(原著)

(0867 - 0872)


Transrectal Ultrasonography for Azoospermic Patients With Associated Normal-Sized Testes

遠坂 顕1, 吉田 謙一郎2

Akira TOSAKA1, Ken-Ichiro YOSHIDA2

1埼玉医科大学総合医療センター泌尿器科, 2獨協医科大学泌尿器科

1Department of Urology Saitama Medical Center of Saitama Medical School, 2Department of Urology Dokkyo University School of Medicine

キーワード : Azoospermia, Ejaculatory duct, Male infertility, Seminal vesicle, Ultrasonography

We used transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) to look for obstruction of the genital duct in eight azoospermic patients with associated normal-sized testes and compared the results with those obtained with vasoseminal vesiculography (VG), testicular biopsy, or both. TRUS showed abnormal findings suggesting obstruction of the genital duct in five cases and normal findings in the other three. Subsequent VG and testicular biopsy identified three cases of obstruction of the genital duct (two cases of absence of the vas deferens and seminal vesicle and one case of obstruction of the ejaculatory duct) from the five patients with abnormal TRUS findings, and one case of genial-duct obstruction (obstruction of the vas deferens caused by previous bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy) from the three patients with normal TRUS findings. The patient with obstruction of the ejaculatory duct recieved transurethral resection of the prostatic urethra, resulting in production of semen with a high sperm count (30-50×106/ml). TRUS thus appears to be useful for detecting obstruction of the genital duct in azoospermic patients with associated normal-sized tests.