Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.05

Rapid Communication(速報)

(0395 - 0398)


Evaluation of Phasic Local Wall Motion by Serial Frame Subtraction

村山 宏明 1, 木村 文隆1, 三宅 康二1, 鶴岡 信治1, 本康 宗信2, 関岡 清次2, 中野 聳2

Hiroaki MURAYAMA1, Fumitaka KIMURA1, Yasuji MIYAKE1, Shinji TSURUOKA1, Munenobu MOTOYASU2, Kiyotsugu SEKIOKA2, Takeshi NAKANO2

1三重大学工学部情報工学科, 2三重大学電気電子工学科, 3三重大学第1内科

1Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, 2Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, 3First Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University

キーワード : High frame-rate echocardiography, Phasic local wall motion, Serial frame subtraction

Echocardiography is one of the most popular modalities used to evaluate local cardiac wall function, because it is easy to use and it functions in real time. We developed a method to quantify phasic local wall motion from serial frame-subtraction of high frame-rate echocardiography, which has recently become commercially available. B-mode images with a resolution of 640×512 pixels and produced in 6-bit gray-scale are transferred to a workstation over one cardiac cycle. Prior to frame-subtraction, a temporal filter is applied to remove speckle noise. After subtraction, each pixel is binarized with an appropriate threshold value. Local wall motion is estimated using principal-component analysis of the subtracted image within appropriate regions of interest on the endocardial border. Estimated direction and level of motion are color coded, and each frame is ordered along a time axis to make up the three-dimensional image (comprising two spatial and one temporal dimension). Advantages of this approach include the ease with which it shows cardiac asynchrony and abnormal wall motion in a single view.