Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1994 - Vol.21

Vol.21 No.09

Case Report(症例報告)

(0603 - 0608)


Three Cases of Intestinal Tuberculosis: Usefulness of Ultrasound in Diagnosis

白浜 正文1, 古賀 貴文1, 石橋 大海2, 内田 哲1

Masafumi SHIRAHAMA1, Takafumi KOGA1, Hiromi ISHIBASHI2, Satoshi UCHIDA1

1佐賀県立病院好生館内科, 2九州大学第1内科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Saga Prefectural Hospital, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University

キーワード : Diagnosis, Intestinal tuberculosis, Ultrasound

Three cases of intestinal tuberculosis, all showing segmental thickening of the bowel wall and swelling of regional lymph nodes in a screening ultrasound examination are reported here. After effective treatment with antituberculosis drugs, follow-up ultrasound examinations showed decrease in thickness of the wall of the affected bowel and size of the regional lymph nodes. Few reports dealing with sonographic characteristics of intestinal tuberculosis have been published so far. Although ultrasonic examination is not a substitute for barium studies or colonoscopies, it can play an important role in detecting diseased bowel loops such as those associated with intestinal tuberculosis.