Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1993 - Vol.20

Vol.20 No.01

Original Article(原著)

(0018 - 0022)


Evaluation of Intraioerative Color Doppler Imaging for Various Type of Operations

黒肱 敏彦1, 山下 裕一1, 君付 博1, 平城 守1, 林 譲二1, 堀内 彦之1, 酒井 浩一1, 掛川 暉夫1, 町 淳二1, SIGEL Bernard2

Toshihiko KUROHIJI1, Yuichi YAMASHITA1, Hiroshi KIMITSUKI1, Mamoru HIRAKI1, Johji HAYASHI1, Hiroyuki HORIUCHI1, Kohichi SAKAI1, Teruo KAKEGAWA1, Junji MACHI1, Bernard SIGEL2

1久留米大学第1外科, 2ペンシルバニア医科大学外科

1First Department of Surgery Kurume University School of Medicine, 2Department of Surgery Medical College of Pennsylvania

キーワード : Intraoperative ultrasonograph, Color Doppler imaging

Intraoperative color Doppler imaging (I.C.D.) was evaluated as a new modality during a total of 155 various type of operations, which included 4 gastrointestinal, 11 thoracic, 102 hepatobilibly, 18 pancreatic 14 vascular and 6 other operations. It's value was assessed in terms of the ability of intraoperative diagnosis prior to major tissue dissection, the guidance of surgical procedures, and the confirmation of the completion of operation. In 140 of 155 operations (90%), new imaging information that was not known preciously was obtained by ICD. ICD was useful to guide the surgical procedure in 94 of 155 operations (61%), particularly useful for hepatobiliary operations. The value of confirming the completion of operation by ICD was found specially after vascular reconstructive operations. In addition ICD was used for examination of intratumoral blood flow. A total of 92 nodules in 51 hepatocellular carcinomas were examined. Intratumoral pulsatile blood flow was visualized by ICD in 55% OF 92 nodules; 70% of nodules greater than 3 cm in diameter and 29% of nodules even smaller than 1 cm. ICD has a unique capacity of providing blood flow information in addition to anatomical information. From the present study, we concluded that this new modality may have a potential to be a valuable tool during various type of surgical procedures.