Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1992 - Vol.19

Vol.19 No.07

Original Article(原著)

(0485 - 0492)


Doppler Echocardiographic Evaluation of Left Atrial Contraction in Mitral Stenosis.

田辺 一明2, 山岸 正和1, 中谷 敏1, 玉井 淳1, 原田 薫子1, 別府 慎太郎1, 森山 勝利3, 宮武 邦夫1

Kazuaki TANABE2, Masakazu YAMAGUCHI1, Satoshi NAKATANI1, Jun TAMAI1, Kunko HARADA1, Shintaro BEPPU1, Katsutoshi MORIYAMA3, Kunio MIYATAKE1

1国立循環器病センター, 2(現)島根医科大学第四内科, 3島根医科大学第四内科

1National Cardiovascular Center, 2(present address) The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University, 3The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University

キーワード : Mitral stenosis, Left atrial contraction, Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography

The role of atrial contraction to the left ventricular filling in mitral stenosis (MS) remains still unclear. By applying a continuous wave Doppler echocardiography, we studied the hemodynamic role of left atrial (LA) contraction in 41 patients with pure MS in normal sinus rhythm. The left ventricular filling was divided into two components: a rapid filling component which passively occured throughout the diastole, and an atrial contraction component (atrial component). (1) The ratio of the time-velocity integral of each atrial component to that of the total left ventricular filling ranged between 2 and 28% (12.3±7.9%) , varying inversely with the severity of mitral valve area (1.2±0.5 cm2, p