Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.08

Original Article(原著)

(0742 - 0748)

US angiographyで乏血性を示す肝細胞癌及びその境界病変の腫瘍発育速度−門脈血流の有無との関連について−

Hypovascular Hepatocellular Carcinomas and Hepatic Borderline Lesions on Ultrasound Angiography -Relationship between Tumor Growth Speed and Portal Perfusion-

杤尾 人司1, 冨田 周介2, 工藤 正俊2, 平佐 昌弘2, 樫田 博史2, 岡部 純弘2, 三村 純2, 尾上 一美1, 簑輪 和士1, 豼オ逕ー 充生1, 島田 啓子1, 森本 義人1, 伊吹 康良2, 小森 英司2, 織野 彬雄2, 藤堂 彰男2

Hitoshi TOCHIO1, Syusuke TOMITA2, Masatoshi KUDO2, Masahiro HIRASA2, Hiroshi KASHIDA2, Yoshihiro OKABE2, Jun MIMURA2, Kazumi ONOUE1, Kazushi MINOWA1, Michio HAMADA1, Keiko SHIMADA1, Yoshito MORIMOTO1, Yasuyoshi IBUKI2, Hideshi KOMORI2, Akio ORINO2, Akio TODO2

1神戸市立中央市民病院腹部超音波室, 2神戸市立中央市民病院消化器センター内科

1Section of Abdominal Ultrasound, Kobe City General Hospital, 2Division of Gastroenterology, Kobe City General Hospital

キーワード : US angiography, Hypovascular hepatic nodules, Doubling time, CT during arterial portography

Thirteen nodules in 13 patients with chronic liver disease were diagnosed as hypovascular nodules through the use of ultrasound (US) angiography under intraarterial carbon dioxide microbubbles.
Histological diagnosis of these 13 cases included adenomatous hyperplasias, borderline lesions, and well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas. In this study, the relationship between tumor growth speed and portal per fusion within these nodulaes was evaluated by comparing tumor doubling time (DT) and the findings of CT during arterial portography (CTAP). The mean DT in three nodules with a perfusion defect on CTAP was 170±73 days, whereas that in 10 nodulae without a perfusion defect on CTAP was 583±207 days (P