Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.04

Original Article(原著)

(0338 - 0345)


Scanning Methods for the Ureteral Stones by Ultrasonic Probe of EDAP LT-01 and the Treatment Effect

佐藤 仁大1, 葛西 勲3, 呉 幹純2, 斎藤 一巳1, 中条 弘隆3, 須山 一穂2, 小野 典之1, 宇都宮 拓治3, 神崎 政裕2

Masatomo SATOH1, Isao KASAI3, Mikitosi GO2, Kazumi SAITOH1, Hirotaka NAKAJIYOU3, Kazuho SUYAMA2, Noriyuki ONO1, Takuji UTHUNOMIYA3, Masahiro KANZAKI2

1大分泌尿器科病院臨床検査部, 2大分泌尿器科病院泌尿器科, 3北里大学医学部泌尿器科学教室

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Oita Urological Hospital, 2Department of Urology, Oita Urological Hospital, 3Department of Urology, Kitasato University, School of Medicine

キーワード : ESWL, Ureteral calculi, Ultrasonic localization

EDAP LT-01, a second-generation extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy device, was used for in situ treatment of ureteral calculi and evaluated for its effectiveness in delineating stones and its therapeutic efficacy.
Involved in this retrospective study were 288 patients, or 295 stones, who were diagnosed with ureteral calculi on both X-ray and ultrasonography at our hospital during the period from August 1988 through December 1989.
Upper ureteral calculi were sought by continuously following a hydroureter or using the lower pole of the kidney, the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, or the pelvis as landmarks with the patient held in supine, lateral recumbent or oblique (with a tilted bed) position. Middle ureteral calculi were sought with the patient in a prone position using the iliac artery and vein as a landmark. Lower ureteral calculi were sought with the patient in a prone position using a full-bladder technique in all cases.
Using the method described above, a self-contained probe detected 286 (96.9%) of 295 stones which had been detected with a hand probe. Clinical success (complete discharge of stones or stone fragments of less than 4 mm (diameter) was achieved in 268 (93.7%) of 286 cases of urinary stones which received ESWL.
These results clearly indicate that EDAP LT-01 is a highly useful means of treating ureteral lithiasis in situ.