Original Article(原著)
(0486 - 0491)
Calculation of Cardiac Output Using Multigate Doppler Echocardiography
里見 元義1, 中沢 誠1, 神田 進1, 片山 博視1, 菊池 典子1, 高尾 篤良1, 中村 憲司2
Gengi SATOMI1, Makoto NAKAZAWA1, Susumu KANDA1, Hiroshi KATAYAMA1, Noriko KIKUCHI1, Atsuyoshi TAKAO1, Kenji NAKAMURA2
1東京女子医科大学附属日本心臓血圧研究所 循環器小児科, 2東京女子医科大学附属日本心臓血圧研究所 内科
1Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, 2Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
キーワード : Multigate Doppler echocardiography, Stroke volume, Noninvasive quantitative method
We devised a method for calculating cardiac stroke volume using multigate Doppler echocardiography and evaluated its accuracy experimentally. Two open chest dogs were used for this study. Doppler beam was set as to cross the left ventricular outflow tract obliquely with the intersectional angle of 45 degrees.
Sixty-four sampled Doppler signals were analyzed by fast Fourier transformation instantaneously along the cursor line and were displayed on the CRT every 33 ms. Real-time flow profile images were recorded by videotape recorder and was replayed frame by frame and analyzed afterward. After tracing the flow velocity profile, flow during one CRT frame of 33 ms was obtained by "ring approach". Stroke volume was culculated by summing up the flow during whole cardiac cycle. Stroke volume measured by this method was well correlated with that measured by electromagnetic flowmeter (r=0.99). This technique may have a possibility of on-line and real-time measurement of stroke volume.