Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1984 - Vol.11

Vol.11 No.06

Case Report(症例報告)

(0379 - 0383)


Twenty-one Cases of Urolithiasis in the Lower Ureter Diagnosed by Ultrasonotomography

大西 克実1, 大江 宏1, 宮下 浩明1, 稲葉 正1, 渡辺 泱1, 岡本 貴史2, 青木 正2, 中橋 弥光2

Katsumi OHNISHI1, Hiroshi OHE1, Hiroaki MIYASHITA1, Tadashi INABA1, Hiroki WATANABE1, Takashi OKAMOTO2, Tadashi AOKI2, Hisamitsu NAKAHASHI2

1京都府立医科大学泌尿器科学教室, 2西陣病院

1Department of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 2Nishijin Hospital

キーワード : Urolithiasis, Lower ureteral stone disease, Ultrasonotomography

Twenty-one cases of lower ureteral stone disease, which was difficult to detect by ordinary X-ray studies, were diagnosed accurately by means of ultrasonotomography. Stone-like echoes were easily detected on the ultrasonotomograms when the ureter of the affected side was dilated.
It is emphasized that such a case should be examined primarily by ultrasonotomography of the lower abdomen before invasive retrograde pyelography.